Saturday, July 20, 2013

Back Home...

I'm looking out my office window and there is a momma deer and her 2 spotted babies munching away in our yard.  Land life ain't so bad...

We ended up spending our last night in Kingston where we had a great visit and dinner with the Langs.  It's a great marina with beautiful grounds, an electric car to borrow for free and many events held on the  lawn.  A smooth ride back home to Tacoma and now just chilling and reading emails.  Everything is so green and lush!

Thank so much for following our trip!  We love sharing sailing and the beautiful places we are so very lucky to go with our friends and family.

Until our next trip - love and peace!
Fran, Jeff and Colonel

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home! Loved reading each day's adventure and wishing I could be an orange tabby on your boat too. :)
