Sunday, July 14, 2013

Tribune Bay

We woke to mirror calm in our cove and headed south to cross the Staits of Georgia. It seems like they always have a strong wind warning out there and it never develops. But sometimes it does.... As we turned to the SW, winds picked up. We had a great sail, flying the gennaker, to about the halfway mark. 15 kts true at a 100 degree windpoint. Perfect for flying the chute. But the winds continued to
build with the seas and we took down the gennaker when it hit 18kts and 6' following seas. Sailed the rest of the way and hand steered. It's a lot if work for the autopilot to steer in following seas and its good  practice for me.  A more challenging crossing them when we were headed north but anytime you can sail
Is better!

Got to Tribune at 4pm, ate some leftovers- first food since splitting a PBJ earlier in the day- and took a nap! The plans to walk the trails and see the artists co-op will have to wait until our next trip. Maybe that was Jeff's plan all along....

Only 1 pic since we had our hands full sailing..  Off to Nanaimo tomorrow!

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