Monday, July 15, 2013

Nanaimo and a return to civilization.

Last night was a night of little sleep for me as the winds picked up in our anchorage. From 3-4pm it was really howling but everyone's anchor held. With it still blowing less but 15kts and more further out we headed for Nanaimo hoping the winds would settle down and the seas would be ok. Both happened and we had an uneventful 1/2 sail 1/2 motor to the very crowded Nanaimo; made more crowded because no one left to head north against the wind and seas. Nanaimo Yacht Club was full but we scored one of the last slips at the very nice public wharf. Across from us is a Catalina 42 and Jeff has loved talking man stuff with the owner. They are still talking now...

We did the usual laundry, shopping and ice cream runs that seem to occupy us when we hit civilization. And I was on a quest to find Nanaimo Bars. Jeff thought I made them up but finally we found them
In the gift shop. Bought one and some trinkets for upcoming birthdays. 

Tomorrow we think we are going to Prevost  Island but will make up our minds as we get there. Nice. 

Another beautiful sunset with only a light breeze so hopefully the folks here will not be delayed on their northern adventures. 

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