Thursday, July 18, 2013

Port Townsend

The southern winds that were supposed to stay away for another day came during the night. We left with a nice breeze to sail to Roche Harbor but as soon as we rounded the corner of N. Pender Island, it was howling. The winds and waves within minutes jumped to 34 kts and 8' all on the nose. We had full sails up and we had to really scramble to get them in fast. We pounded south only making 4.5 kts against the steep waves and finally ducked into Prevost Harbor on Stuart Island. Stayed for a couple hours then headed to Roche Harbor in calm seas. We were able to fit on the end of our Roche Harbor Yacht Club dock and there is a picture of us hanging out (literally) withe big boys. 

An early crossing of the Straits today with a few waves due to yesterday's wind but nothing too bad. A treat was having my best buddy Carolyn stop by the boat for a quick visit! A nice way to get back to civilization.  Then pizza and stumbling into the concert on the dock with a great band. PT is my absolute favorite town!

Off to Seattle tomorrow and maybe we can get a spot at Bell Harbor.

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