Saturday, July 13, 2013

Susan Islets and Copeland Islands

We headed up Lancelot Inlet and were a bit worried that there were no islands. Although part of Desolation Sound Marine Park, it's very different with large open bays (the inlets). But we got a great anchorage spot tucked in behind Susan Islets and with the exception of a couple fishing boats passing by, we had the entire area to ourselves; another perfect day. 

A dinghy ride to explore Theodosia Inlet and a swim (for me) off the boat led to a peaceful sunset. Very tranquil. 

Today we turned the corner from Desolation Sound (sob...) and started the return trip home. We are now settled in at      a small cove in the Copeland Islands with other boats. Yes, we are now seeing other boats. But we scored a perfectly good fender adrift on the shore- jeff is pretty jazzed with that!  
The weather remains perfect and we should have an easy crossing to Hornby Island tomorrow. 

A couple pics of Susan Islets, Copeland Islands, my captain and our Colonel. 

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