Monday, July 8, 2013

Octopus Islands

Within a few hours yesterday, we had motored to the Octopus Islands Marine Park. We anchored with a stern tie to Easter Island, our name since we tied to a big vertical boulder, in the first little cove on the right. Yet another beautiful anchorage! After hanging out for a bit, we all dinghied to the trail at the top of the bay. A short hike through beautiful woods and we were on "the other side of the world" looking at Johnstone Strait. The shore had mint growing on it which naturally led to Corbetts Killer Mojitos at happy hour. A fantastic dinner on Ambidextrous and a silent, peaceful night of sleep. Ahhhhh.

Nancy and Randy are headed south to Gorge Harbor where we all hook up tomorrow for a restaurant dinner and a hot tub! Tangeroa is staying another day at Octopus and ambidextrous and us are headed to Von Donop Marine Park. 

The non stop sunshine and warm temps continue with cloudless skies and temps in the high 70s and 80s. 

A few pics!

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