Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Von Donop Inlet

Ambidextrous headed to Von Donop Inlet with us while Alliance went to Gorge Harbor and Tangeroa spent another day in the Octopus Islands.  Von Donop is another marine park shared by the Klahoose Tribe. Jeff and I decided to take the "30 minute hike to town" which ended up being a 6 mile hike of which 2 miles was on the road . The other 4 miles is through the park and it is gorgeous. 
 All this for an ice cream cone. Our smarter companions on Ambidextrous decides to snooze the day away at the beautiful anchorage. 

Today we are off to Gorge Harbor  to do laundry, fuel up and reprovision
 for another week. And tomorrow, we will bid Bon voyage to our sailing buddies who start their trek home.  Over breakfast today we were trying to decide where we go next as we still have another week and a half. Stay tuned!

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