Monday, May 26, 2014

Guten Tag!

After a long but uneventful flight, we landed in Frankfurt to a big welcome. Jeff's family was there in force with champagne, flags etc... Quite the show and a bit overwhelming for Jeff!

After introductions, and more champagne, we headed to his mom and dads apartment. His mom is quite quiet and his dad is more of a chatterbox. His dad talks a bit of English but when he gets excited talking he goes back to German. Our savior a in this translation dilemma is Maria, Jeff's oldest brothers wife, who speaks very good English. We are staying with them in a lovely apartment on the top floor of their house I really like the European style.

We have met everyone in the family now after a big BBQ yesterday at the Rabbit Club.  It's been very interesting to see the dynamics between all the siblings- some subtle and some not so subtle. All love having Jeff visit and that's what is important to us! 

We are off to a German mall today and then a bakery, a coffeehouse (not Starbucks), and a bar. Yep, we are in for another full day!
Here are a few photos of our trip so far!

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