Sunday, August 8, 2010

The weekend

We arrived early at the famous Montague Harbor and picked up a mooring buoy. Then we crashed for a nap after our early morning escape from Annette. Montague is famous for their Bakery Boat (yumm) and the Pub Bus (more on that later).

The great weather we'd been having finally turned. Our friends, Cindie, Greg and Aven Lang met us at Montague on Friday. They were up for a C Dory (their type of boat) get together. Although it was windy, chilly and rainy, we had a great time with them. Aven is only 3. But Cindie and Greg are terrific parents who know that fine line between too much wildness and letting Aven be 3! We watched movies and had fresh baked cookies. All in all a relaxing Saturday afternoon.

That night Jeff and I took the Pub Bus to the Hummingbird Pub. An absolute blast. The driver lived up to his legend of fun, pole dancing and great music. You kind of have to see it to understand but it's the best marketing campaign for a small, out of the way pub.
Salpare and Aurelia hang together

The Langs in their Pudgy!

Salpare at Montague

The Vendee Globe book is now in Cindies hands!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Montague Harbor, Galiano Island

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