Sunday, August 8, 2010

Provisioning and Annette Inlet

Our great friends, Carolyn and Jerry, were supposed to meet up with us on Thursday but there was a family emergency. We miss them but we'll do much more sailing with them in the future.

We headed over to Mayne Island to Miners Bay to provision for the next few days. A grocery and liquor store later and we were set. Strange alcohol rules up here. You can't buy booze with a credit card. And our debit cards will only go through as credit cards. And ATMs don't recognize our financial institutions. So we HAD to spend our cash at the liquor store and are now scrimping together spare loonies and toonies for laundry and land showers (we have 3 showers on the boat, so don't think we are too gross!) I'm glad we have our priorities right!

Salpare resting in Annette Island

We spent the night in the beautiful but SHALLOW Annette Inlet. We woke up early (5am) to get out before we had no water under the boat. Jeff was great with my incessant worrying about the depths. He's a seasoned sailor and knew how much to push things. We crossed Trincomali Channel with no one in site at 6am. Worth getting up early for that.

On to Montague!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Montague Harbor, Galiano Island

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