Sunday, August 15, 2010

We're home!

Hi all
On Friday, we left Roche Harbor in the morning and had a fantastic sail across the Straits of Juan de Fuca. Steady 10 knot winds and the current pushing us made for a blast of a crossing. After anchoring in Port Townsend, we headed to town for pizza.

The next morning we wanted to wait a bit for the tides and currents and got to watch the beginning of a race and also saw some really pretty sites! We love Port Townsend!

Jeff MADE me learn to sail off the anchor. This went well and was pretty cool. Still wanting to sail as much as possible, we setna course for Kingston. Although sailing against the currents for 1/2 the trip, Salpare made steady progress with good winds (small craft advisory). Kingston had their Concert in the Cove going in full swing. The Blues Counselors were belting out toons to a mixed crowd hanging on the lawn. Jeff took more celestial sites that night in a star filled sky. Perfect.

Salpare left early this morning and motored for awhile towards home. We sailed a bit in Commencement Bay as winds picked up a tad. We just didn't want the vacation to end!

At home now, The Colonel is getting his land legs back and we are doing lots of laundry.

Thanks for tuning in to our fun! We loved sharing this trip with our friends and family.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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