Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stranded in Paradise...

Since we last updated the blog, we chained our plans. On Monday we were headed for Roche Harbor but we just weren't ready to come back to the US yet. So, we made a 90 degree turn and went to Sydney Island. The way in was SHALLOW, as I drove Salpare in water that our depth sounder said was 0.0' deep! We just went really slow... We picked up a mooring buoy and went exploring on the Spit. It's a marine park and really lovely. We walked until the water stopped us and headed back to the boat. The next morning we left early for Roche to escape before there was really 0.0 water.
Sydney Island Spit

Salpare resting at the Spit.

We had a beautiful early morning ride thru Hughes Passage and on to Roche. Jeff cooked breakfast while I navigated my way through the Pass. He knew my confidence was building in negotiating shallow areas. He's a gem.

We cleared Customs and fueled up the boat at Roche. We decided to spend the day and do laundry, food shopping etc... So we anchored. Awhile later, we remembered that we are members of the Roche Harbor Yacht Club and that they have a Members Only slip at the marina. duh! We are just not in the mindset of the RHYC yet. So we looked and it was open! This slip is PRIMO, among the giant yachts and with a fantastic view. It's first come, first serve for the members and we lucked out. We stayed Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Here's Salpare hanging with the big boys.

While here, we looked onto our alternator issue. We new something was not right and sure enough, it was melting itself. For the technical explanation, please ask Jeff! We could have kept going and just used the generator a lot more. But we had just spent a bundle on 3 new batteries and didn't want to damage them. So we talked to the marine store here and they ordered us one. It arrived this afternoon and we installed it tonight. Jeff is a genius - McGuyver type and fortunately for us can do all this. I read directions and fetch tools. I'm also helpful when small hands and arms are needed in the small engine area.

We moved out of the RHYC slip (2 day minimum) and are anchored tonight. We 'll start heading south in the morning. It's been a fabulous 3 days stranded in Roche (paradise). You couldn't ask for a better place to stay. Watching all the boats and planes arrive and depart all day (Customs) is a hoot. Better then any TV show. Great weather and ice cream too.

It's going to be a hard transition back to the real whorl next week...

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Roche Harbor


  1. must be contagious. My alternator is cooking batteries. putting out to much voltage.
    And yes, it is shallow at Sydney Spit.
    Were going to be in Poulsbo on Sunday if your cruising by.

  2. weather is too nice, were staying out a couple days, headed to GH or Tacoma. Since we have no home to return to and are living on the boat why not eh!
