Monday, August 2, 2010

Cabbage and Tumbo Islands

Sorry about the last blog. I am having connection issues. I've had to take out some photos, bummer. But while trying to post this, we've had the most unbelievable sunset!

Since I last wrote, we've covered a lot of water. We crossed the Straits of Juan de Fuca in 6' swells then fog. But we were rewarded by coming upon a pod of orcas. We stopped engines and took in their beauty. We had a mom and baby swim right next to the boat! Seeing orcas in the wild is one of the most fantastic experiences and one of the many things that makes the Pacific Northwest so special.
We arrived in Roche Harbor just in time for the Roche Harbor Yacht Club BBQ. They are such a fun group and each time we are with them, we make more friends. After watching the Bridge Officers jump into the cold, eel-ridden water, we spent the next hours drinking monkey milk (deadly) and talking farm animals. Don't ask, don't tell.The next Morning we said Bon voyage to Tom and Chris Miner as they travelled back home after 3 weeks in the Gulfs.

We headed to Poets Cove, a swanky resort on S. Pender Island. Watched a wedding (I cried, Jeff was bored), had a great dinner and had the hot tub to ourselves. Quite the place.

After provisioning in Port Browning, we left for Cabbage and Tumbo Islands. I've really been looking forward to this place after reading about it in the Dreamspeaker guide. (we saw Dreamspeaker at Poets Cove, felt like I saw a celebrity). Could it live up to my expectations??? The guide was right on. Stunning scenery, nice moorage buoys, eagles, tide pools and tonight we'll have a sunset over the Gulfs and the Straits of Georgia. Feels a million miles away. We are drinking our favorite new drink -A Bridgman! Lemonade with vodka. We'll be here for a couple days.
The Colonel is doing well and was a hit as we were docked on the main walkway of Roche Harbor. I heard many comments about him as he perched on the dockside gunwale. Some even took pictures of him. Here he is doing what we'll be doing the next couple of days.

Hi to all and Tom, I love the Vendee Globe book!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Gulf Islands

1 comment:

  1. i am envious
    sitting in a jet at 30k headed for ohio, yippee
    perfect run home on sunday
    fried a battery however
    did you see the northern lights last night?
