Tuesday, July 29, 2014

We're home!

Back to work, the house remodel and a beautiful Northwest summer!  We got home on Sunday night after unloading and washing the boat.  I'll catch you up on the last week or so.

After Port McNeil, we headed across the Queen Charlotte Strait to Turnbull Cove.  We spend an extra day there because there was so much to see. Beautiful rugged wilderness and clear water.  We dinghied around the second day visiting Sullivan Bay (and bumping into more friends there) and other places in the area.  The day we left the weather changed and it rained.  After watching a hundred dolphins frolic in the pass, we anchored in serene Laura Cove.  After heading out to see the dolphin show again (spectacular!) we had our last dinner with the Miners.

As we headed out to Johnstone Strait from Boughey Bay, 3 orcas greeted us!

The next morning we headed up Tribune Channel and past famous Lacy Falls.  They do live up to heir fame - gorgeous.  We found out that our our sailing buddies from last summer were in Desolation Sound. So we made it a long day and ended up anchoring in Walsh Cove at 9pm.  Much to our surprise, Lynda and Bill were there and not at Pendrell yet. So the next day we both went to Pendrell Sound and hooked up with Jill and Corbett and Kathy and Jerry.  Pendrell is so special - you swim in 75 degree water with snow capped peaks around you.  Always a treat.

Then we stayed with this group for another day to Squirrel Cove.  Having to start home, we headed south to Pender Harbor with Jill and Corbett.  Then to Montague and yes... we met up again with Kathy and Jerry.  We parted ways with all of them the next day as we headed to Kingston.

After a great dinner at the Alehouse, we ran into more friends - Angie and Jeff Koeller - and sat on the lawn and enjoyed the great music of Jeff Kashawa.  He's a great musician and what a treat to see him!

We sailed/motored home on a glorious Sunday. We're tan an tired but oh what a trip.  Over 800 miles we covered; saw new areas, lots of critters, many friends and spent a lot of time together. Perfect!

Until next time, thanks for joining us on our trip!

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