Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gorge Harbor

Gorge Harbor??? We had a slight change of plans due to gale force winds along our route.  We stopped in Campbell River for the night and had hoped to go through Seymour Narrows today and on to Johnstone Strait.  But, the wind gods thought differently. So, we crossed Sutil Channel in 25 kts of wind and big waves to join the Miners in Gorge Harbor. We'll take Desolation Sound route up to the Broughtons.

We had a lovely stop at Henry Bay at the top of Denham Island.  It's sunny and warm now with beautiful weather every day.  (except for the big wind).  Jeff, Tom and I even swam at Henry Bay!  Not typical up here.

Tomorrow we will head through the Yacultas and Dent Rapids to spend the night in Shoal Bay.  We're making our way to the Broughtons.  We are all doing great and the boat is too.  Lots of fun and wish you were here!!

Sorry, no pictures... wifi is only for 1 device and I'm using my laptop not phone. We'll fill them in later.

Love to all,
Fran, Jeff and Colonel

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