Friday, July 6, 2012

Ucluelet for the night

Laura and Ricky's last night with us ended with another couple, from Port Alberni, who were anchored close by bringing us a bucket of large prawns and 2 big dungeness crabs. So at 10pm they were cooking all of them! The folks put the live crabs right on our deck and it scared the bejeebers out of me!

This morning, Jeff pulled up 2 crabs in his pot so he is pretty happy!

We dropped off Laura and Rocky, did laundry and food shopping. It was all very rushed so we decided to stay the night and relax. Our other 3 sailboats got here, we just came back from happy hour on their boats, and we are all off early tomorrow morning for Adventure Cove, just north of Tofino. We will be out of cell range for a few days so I won't be able to post updates. But u can follow us on the Spot Tracks.

We haven't heard any news for a week now... Wonderful...

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