Thursday, July 19, 2012

Catching up on some posts...

We are now back in US waters so I need to do some catching up on posts. I have been doing all the posts from my iphone so sorry about the typos!

Because we had no cell coverage, I skipped alot of the Clayoquot Sound portion of the trip. This area is magical and you can see why the fight to protect old growth forests reached a head here back inthe 90's. This is where we hooked up withour other sailboat friends - Jill and Corbett, Kathy and Jerry and Bill and Linda (and their friends Mary Lou and Tad who joined them in Tofino. This group has traveled together many times and they are not only competent sailors but easy going traveling companions. Each night, we had happy hour at 5pm and shared many dinners, to. They were terrific to travel with and share the Sound.

Clayoquot is different than Barkley in that it doesn't have the islands like Barkley. Instead you go up inlets in the mainland that are surrounded by steep mountains. You can tie close to shore because that steepness underwater, too. Below are pictures of the Sound and Bacchante Bay, our favorite place we visited. Its a rockstar in the area but we had it to ourselves. The last shot hopefully gives you an idea of the scale of things with little Salpare in the shot.
Jeff is in our little inflatable kayaks that worked perfect for exploring in these bays. I bought these for Jeff for his birthday just after his surgery. Since they are red, he named them "Pancreas" and "Liver".

Next post will have the famous Hot Springs!

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