Monday, July 18, 2011

Hot Springs Cove and Pete's surprise!

A day full of whale sightings and still no wind. Just a bit near the end of the day and we flew the jib for while. This cove is famous for its natural hot springs with multiple pools. Beautiful and quite fun to soak in! The boardwalk is 2km long and made up of 8" x 42" cedar planks. Over the years, people have carved their boat names into them or replaced one with their own carved at home.

We were supposed to have a "buddy boat" with us on this trip with our friend Pete on his trawler named Rendezvous. But just before we left, Pete had some serious health issues. Although at home in Everett with his wonderful wife, Linda, he is with us in spirit! Pete had done a bit of research into the placing of the planks and I followed up on it. While Jeff and I readied the boat for the trip,we asked Tom to make the planks. The have have been in our aft cabin for the last few weeks. We woke early this morning and completed the job!

Here are Tom and Jeff at work. Because its all lore about the planks and definitely not an official thing to do, we were a little nervous about being "caught". Tom called it malicious destruction and Jeff called it urban renewal.
Here you go Pete! Enjoy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Hot Springs Cove, of course

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