Monday, July 18, 2011

A few days to catch up again...

We have so many pictures but its hard to downloadthem with the slow connections we have been getting. So i will beosting multiple emails today.

After a relaxing day of bumming and dinghying around Kyuquot, we headed
out for Yuquot. While calm in the cove, it was pretty rough on the outside. Just as we were heading through a rocky area with big waves on the nose, the prop started making a terrible noise. Now on this coast, you can't just pull in anywhere. We continued another 7 stressful miles until we could duck into Queen Cove. A slice of heaven, but literally in the middle of nowhere. We anchored and Jeff was readying to go in the water to check the prop. I had an idea... So we pulled put the Go Pro camera, taped it to the boat hook anf he and Tom became Salpare Search Team
1. It worked beautifully and showed us that we had kelp wrapped around the prop. This kelp is like rope in strength. Jeff used Toms drysuit, dove and got it off. Phew... We spent the rest of the day watching eagles and bears on shore.

Salpare Search team 1

Jeff and his prop sushi wrap!

More on the next stop in the next blog...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Queens Cove, BC

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