Sunday, June 30, 2013

Secret Cove BC

Another long day on the water as we are making good time to Desolation Sound. And when the weather is as great as we"be been having we may as well be on the water!  We spent yesterday, after a glassy crossing of the Straits at Bedwell Harbor on S Pender Island. Not only is it our first weekend of summer weather, it's also Canada's National Holiday - Canada Day. So everything is packed. We had a fun dinghy circumnavigation of the island and a great time anchored in the harbor. 

We set off early again today and seemed to be the only boat on the water all day except for ferries- see the pic as we enter Active Pass with 4 ferries in it!  We could have water skied the Straits of Georgia it was so glassy. Not great for sailing but when you are trying to make time to get to a destination. It makes it easy 

Secret Cove has to be the friendliest place we've ever been. We grabbed a dock since the anchorages were filled and they were so nice. And ice cream keeps the Captain happy!

Mom, we will be cruising thru the Malaspina Straits that you are reading about on tomorrow's leg.

All is great going great and we feel like the luckiest couple in the world .

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