Thursday, June 28, 2012

Finally, we are on vacation.

Not too long ago, we weren't sure we would be taking this trip. But here we are... heading north again.

We're in Eagle Harbor on Bainbridge Island tonight. Easy going to get here. We cast off at 4:16pm according to Jeff's log/spreadsheet!

Tomorrow morning we get an early start to get to Port Ludlow by midday. There we will meet up with our friends Nat and Linda to join them and others at a Celebration of Life for Dick Hampton. Marilyn Hampton, Dick's wife, has become a close friend of mine as we and 2 other gals get together each month to laugh, cry and support each other. What brought us together was that all of our husbands were diagnosed with serious cancers this year. Marilyn is an incredible woman. And, although what got us together was terrible, I am so very glad she's my friend.

We will get to see many of our crazy Roche Harbor Yacht Club friends at the event and we are definitely looking forward to seeing them.

The Colonel is doing great but it hasn't sunk into him yet that he'll be on this dang sailboat for 3 weeks!

All for now.

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