Friday, July 30, 2010

Heading north

We are in beautiful Port Townsend tonight. Yesterday we had friends at our marina send us off on our trip with well wishes and wine! After tying up in Kingston, we went to dinner with Greg and Cindie Lang. A short walk through this cute town to The Ale House and we all left stuffed.

We left this morning in thick fog. The Kingston ferry passes just astern of us and we never even saw it. We signaled them with blasts and they signaled back. Very creepy. The fog was as thick as pea soup, (peanut butter if you watch Rudolf). I stood watch on the bow, all bundled up as it was quite chilly. Only as we were close to PT did some big power boaters -at full throttle and not watching -give us a scare. The blasts from my air horn got their attention only 200' from us. Just after we docked, the fog lifted to a gorgeous northwest day.

The marina is filled with the most fascinating boats as PT is home to the Wooden Boat Festival. We also had our rigging survey done today by an
expert rigger. Great guy and we learned a lot. Salpare will need a few things done to her before we go offshore but all in all, she's a great boat. The picture is of the wooden schooner next to us.

Tomorrow we head for Roche Harbor to meet up with the yacht club gang.

Wish all of you were here!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Port Townsend

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